Step 1: Initial Consultation
In this 45 minute consultation, we discuss what your needs are, what results you are hoping for, and how I can help you achieve those results. Once your consultation time slot is confirmed, you will receive an email with some questions to be thinking about so that we can make the most of our conversation. Based on this conversation, we can decide if we are a good fit to work together.
Price: FREE!
Step 2: Needs Assessment
For this step, you give me whatever existing materials and resources you have, and I come up with a project plan for creating whatever results we have agreed upon. That might look like a plan to create a single specific piece of content, a list of updates that need to be made to an existing eLearning, or list of items that would comprise a comprehensive onboarding program. This will be delivered in a meeting where I will also provide you with a price quote for me to execute this plan. During the meeting, we will discuss the plan with the intention of reaching one of three conclusions:
- You hire me to execute the plan as presented.
- We make changes to the plan, and you hire me to execute on the updated plan based on an adjusted quote.
- You choose not to hire me, in which case you still have the plan to make use of however you see fit.
Price: Starting at $499 (to be applied to any purchased package price)
Step 3: First Milestone
When we enter into a contract for content creation (or modification), that contract will include a list of deliverables that will be considered the first milestone. This might include a draft of text, some sample slides, and/or some sample voice over. The purpose of this milestone is to make sure that we are on the same page, and my work is aligned with your vision. If we aren’t, I will work with you however I can to get us synced up. If this process is unsuccessful, or if for any other reason you do not want to move forward with our contract, you can invoke my money-back guarantee, and I will refund you your deposit, less the charge for the needs assessment.
Price: Deposit of 50% of contract due before milestone is delivered
Step 4: Project Delivery
Whatever deliverables were contracted for are delivered. Typically this would be via email or Dropbox, but I will do my best to work with any specific delivery requirements you have. Depending on the complexity of the project, this delivery might happen all at once, or in additional milestones. If any revisions are required, those are included in the price of the contracted package (with the understanding that scope creep will require a renegotiation of the original contract).
Price: Packages start at $699
This is the best way to get in touch with me. I respond to email twice a day, Monday through Friday – in the morning and in the late afternoon. I aim to respond to email within 1 business day.
Phone calls and texting
(802) 359-4758
If something seems really urgent, you can reach out via phone or text, but please understand that I may not get back to you immediately.
Video calls
I expect this, combined with email, to be our primary mode of communication, but will only happen on a scheduled basis. My preferred platform is Google Meet, but I can be flexible to the needs and preferences of my clients.